Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What are they reading?

What are they reading?... Bella and Kashmir don't watch TV, no siree! These spaniels spend their evenings reading the classics - Dante's Inferno ("It's so scary!") and Homer's "The Odysee"... or is it "The Illiad"? - ("Why didn't the guy just stay home or take the train?") When asked about Oprah's Book Club, both dogs barked, "We like things a little more high-brow!" Fair enough. It just affirms the old saying, "Spaniels read things other dogs don't."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Video - "Holding On"

A big thank-you to every dog that agreed to be held for the camera. As we all know, dogs would rather run free, free, free! ...even if it means they run right into the cemetary and refuse to come back when called! (You know who you are.)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Make My Day"

Some people complain that the Beltline is a lawless place - dogs running wild, leashless and free! Nothing could be further from the truth. There are several dogs that patrol the area quite regularily. Witness Oscar, a Shnauzer, seemingly sunning himself on a nice patch of grass. However, in the close-up picture, you'll notice that Oscar is on high alert! Nose in full sniff, ears aquiver with anticipation, muscles tensed and coiled! He is ready, at a moment's notice, to spring into action and take charge of any untoward dog behaviour. Many of us have witnessed him stepping in when dog play gets too rough. With blinding speed, Oscar pins the offending dog, and holds him until a more congenial attitude is resumed. Thank-you Oscar!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Some of the older dogs on the beltline are concerned about the amount of vicious ear-pulling going on. "Fun is fun," barks Dooley, "but I draw the line at my ears!" No names have been released, but rumour has it that a certain MAWF (aka Frankee) is the worst offender. "Off", "let go!", "Stop it right now or you will have a big time out little sir!" have all been shouted quite fiercly... to no avail. The MAWF persists and Dooley suffers. Perhaps the solution lies in Bitter Apple, a product used to stop puppies from chewing on furniture. Dooley, however, refuses to apply the product to his dangly appendages, claiming that, "My ears are not furniture!" and "Frankee should know better!". Two very good points Dooley!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Video - "The Mighty MAWF!"

Extremely rare in Toronto, the Mini-Arctic-White-Fox (or "MAWF") is a hardy, aggressive breed. Barely 6lbs, it is able to wrestle a stick right out of the jaws of a giant, black German Shepard, more than 1o times his size. After the match took place, Dante, the defeated Shepard, was overheard to say, "I hope no one was watching!"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chapeau Sur Chien

Nic, or Nico, although a large, manly dog, will occasionally wear a "chapeau" on the Beltline. Rumour has it that Nic once spent a summer in gay Paris, or "on the continent". (A lot of dogs ask, "Where is the continent?" How do you explain geography to dogs that have only travelled to the cottage and back? You don't. You merely say, "It is very, very far away, and if you don't stop eating poop I will send you there too!)