Friday, December 2, 2011

Ode to Dooley

Dooley, oh my Dooley!
with little legs that wobble
snuggles up to Michelle
just to have a cuddle

tail like a puff puff
ears so silky soft
furry face so blissful
and when you're swept aloft

kisses you'll be getting
and kisses you will give
wrapped in arms so loving
that's how a dog should live

Friday, April 22, 2011

Stumpy Pigeon

Stumpy, looking for food!
Stumpy Pigeon lacking feet
Tell me now, how do you sleep
For you can’t roost on perch of tree
No feet have you, nor talons (three)
So do you lie against a wall
Throughout the night, do you fall
Or wedge, do you, between two stone
While your friends perch, you sleep alone
Oh Stumpy Pigeon, I cry my friend
For on two feet, you can nay depend
                         Yoga Cat